Sunday, May 31, 2009


We all have limitations, an upper limit on what we can do and accomplish. We are human and therefore have limited potential.

Did that sound negative? Keep reading.

Sometimes we have a very clear picture of our limitations. I have flat feet, and if I train barefoot my plantar fasciitis flares up.

Sometimes the picture is much hazier. I was never very good at pushups (I despised pushups, so I didn't train them, so I stayed not very good at them). I always just said, "I'm lousy at pushups."

Then, I started this Ten Tigers Program, and now I'm averaging over 100 pushups per day. Now I'm pretty good at them. I can do 46 in 30 seconds, and 63 in one minute. My limitation has changed.

We all have upper limits, but we often don't really know what that upper limit is because we never test them.

I don't really know the top speed on my Toyota Camry because I've never tested it (and never will).

I have decided that I will keep gradually pushing myself to bigger and better things, to test my upper limits.

I will become stronger and fitter, I will become smarter and more emotionally healthy, I will become a better teacher of martial arts and a better leader of people.

And, I will drag as many of you as are willing along for the ride.

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