Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Honor Thy Body

Your body, that thing you move around in. That collection of bone and muscle and organs and sinews that contains you. How important is it to you.

I believe that we are all here for a reason, that we have something to do here, a job or a mission or whatever you want to call it.

I also believe that part of that mission is to honor our bodies. Our bodies are the vehicles that allow us to do whatever it is we are meant to do.

Imagine if you gave someone the gift of a classic car, or a new car, or whatever kind of car you like and they absolutely trashed it. They never changed the oil, they left cigarette burns in the upholstery, never changed the air filter. They decided to see what would happen if they put sugar water in the gas tank.

The car would be ruined they wouldn't be able to travel in it, and neither would anyone else. They would have destroyed a very useful machine and would be in need of a replacement.

We have each been given one body, one vehicle to get through life in. It is a wonderful gift, and we should honor that gift. We should avoid filling it with empty calories, we should avoid cigarettes and other drugs that will destroy our bodies, we should eat our veggies, we should exercise.

My body is important, is sacred. I need it to get through my life. I am certain my daughter would like me to make it last as long as I can.


Anne said...

Mind, Body, Spirit -- without the "body" in the middle, it's all rather intangible, isn't it? I like this different take on the "my body is a temple" theme because "my body is a vehicle" is so much more ... applied.

willowmu13 said...

Then food becomes not just fuel, but a type of holy fuel...and other substances become less like "food" and more like poison. Thanks for the reminder Steven.