Saturday, November 19, 2011

A Present? For Me?

If I did not enjoy my day at work, why do I insist on reliving it all evening in my mind?

I will, instead, focus on the present. Just like in sparring, if I am busy rehashing and reliving mistakes from earlier, I will not see the punch that is coming NOW. If I am too focused on the things that happened that I did not like, it will hinder my ability to enjoy NOW.

Now, I am with my family, my favorite three girls in the world, now I am heating water for tea, now I can still taste the chocolate brownie I just ate.

Also if I am too focused on what may come at work tomorrow, or the rest of the week, I am ripped away from cherishing now.

Now, I can smell the tea, now I have peace in my home, now I am relaxing.

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